เรื่องฮอต ประเด็นฮิต » ​#สิ่งที่ฝรั่งควรรู้! เกี่ยวกับงานพระราชพิธีถวายพระเพลิงพระบรมศพ ร.9 

​#สิ่งที่ฝรั่งควรรู้! เกี่ยวกับงานพระราชพิธีถวายพระเพลิงพระบรมศพ ร.9 

30 October 2017
1129   0

Dear Mr Capitalist,
I have recently witnessed your impertinent intention to give out numerical figures of the value of our Royal Cremation Ceremony for HM the late King Bhumipol Adulyadej to somehow total the sum of USD 90 millions or sort of, as well as mockingly assert that this spending is contradictory to the King’s Sufficient Economy policy.
In fact, I would say there is obviously an inaccuracy in your information.


this sum is clearly understated, as it seems apparent that you have forgotten to count in the seas of best masters of arts and crafts in our country. These artists alone, I mean alone, have driven the cost up to more than +USD 50m at least. Not to count volunteers, workers, food providers, and people who offer to give help, shelter, transportation, food and even mementos. These are all definitely not cost-free as they have sacrificed their opportunity cost as much as the money in their pockets in order to help arranging for services and materials that are being given out free of charge from around the country, so as just to have such great honor to participate in this event that you called ‘extravaganza’.
Second, you have mentioned it as contradictory to our King’s teaching. 

Well, Mister, 

In such a country as the one you dwell, don’t they ever teach you that you have to pay for all the goods and services that you have received?  I am definitely sure they will in a place where Capitalism rules and where there is never free lunch. 
But maybe you’ll feel a little perplexed here. Maybe you will find it incomprehensible that  in a small and developing country like the one you called, we learn how to pay back wholeheartedly; that is, we are willing to pay back to our loved ones, not with notes and coins like what your culture counts, but with love and gratitude. 
We would like you to know that your claimed amount of USD 90m is pretty much a too humble sum to pay back to all the love and happiness we have received from our Beloved King during the 70 years of his reign. You think we are a poor country who is overspending. You are totally wrong. We have much more than we need in the country of our King, where when we give, we give without wanting back.

So I would cut it short by correcting your mistake when you mentioned this sum of whatever millions you think it is. Do not contemptuously underestimate our love to our King -as it is not that cheap. 
To us, this farewell ceremony to the heart and soul of the Nation is not as your roughly and carelessly calculated sum claimed. 
To us, it is so called priceless.
This is FYI with love and respect from the people of Thailand, the land of our King Bhumipol.
